Certified Life Skills & Emotional Intelligence Coach
Reema Tiwari
Masters in Psychology, P. G. Diploma in Clinical Psychology

The course was very comprehensive, well organized and engaging. It effectively blends theoretical knowledge with practical applications. The faculty was very trained and experienced in their respective fields, they were always open to questions and encouraging everyone for discussion. The sessions was very interactive and providing real life examples to understand the concept better. I am glad that I opted for this course. It was altogether an amazing experience. It helped me to regulate my emotions, at the same time recognizing the emotions of others. All the life skills leaned during this course like empathy, stress management, communication etc. had changed my old outlook and giving me a fresh outlook about other people . I am going to take this learning forward by teaching life skills to children and the people around me.. I think that learning life skills is need of hour. I am extremely thankful to Sadiqua Mam, Shreedhar Sir, all the faculty members for this wonderful course.
I can be contacted at: reemapandey12@gmail.com